Below you will find a list of the last 100 decisions of the Courts entered into the Index.
Decisions of the Federal Court of Appeal (FCA) are identifiable by the letter "A" preceding their identity number - those of the Federal Court (national trial court) are preceded by the letter "T". Decisions of the Supreme Court are preceded by the letter "S".
Clicking on a decision in the Identifier column will bring forth two rectangular screens, a large one providing a summary briefly describing the content of the decision and further identifiers in terms of main issue and sub-issues. The top rectangular screen provides information such as the date of the decision, the language of issuance, the names of the claimant and the authoring judge, who was the appellant and the result of the decision in regard to the appellant.
For the full text of the decision, just click on the decision in the "Case Number" box. The decision will appear with links to the version in the other official language. All linked decisions are located in the repository of decisions maintained by Appeals Services. When the link does not work, an effort is made to provide a link to a different repository, within the summary. For example, a decision of the FCA can be found at the FCA website.
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