Summary of Issue: Definition

Decision 25966 Full Text of Decision 25966

Issue: Sub-Issue 1: Sub-Issue 2: Sub-Issue 3:
courses of instruction or training referral definition

Refer to: A-0692.94

other summary
Other Issue(s): Sub-Issue 1: Sub-Issue 2: Sub-Issue 3:
courses of instruction or training benefit period extended

Decision A-0692.94 Full Text of Decision A-0692.94

Issue: Sub-Issue 1: Sub-Issue 2: Sub-Issue 3:
courses of instruction or training referral definition

The umpire concluded that the approval given could not be limited to one subject only. Judgment reversed by the Federal Court of Appeal: subsection 26(2) only applies to a course that is taken after a benefit period but to which the claimant was referred and which begins before the expiry of the claim period.

other summary
Other Issue(s): Sub-Issue 1: Sub-Issue 2: Sub-Issue 3:
courses of instruction or training benefit period extended

Decision 14023 Full Text of Decision 14023

Issue: Sub-Issue 1: Sub-Issue 2: Sub-Issue 3:
courses of instruction or training referral definition

Where there is evidence that a referral exists, that evidence cannot be refuted by a simple statement to the contrary. He was given an agreement which he completed. It is clear that he was referred, even if done by error. No requirement in s.26 that course be purchased by CEIC.

other summary
Other Issue(s): Sub-Issue 1: Sub-Issue 2: Sub-Issue 3:
availability for work courses factors to consider

Decision 11726 Full Text of Decision 11726

Issue: Sub-Issue 1: Sub-Issue 2: Sub-Issue 3:
courses of instruction or training referral definition

Ss.26(1) makes no mention of the length of the course, and between fee-payers and others whose training places are purchased by the Commission. If in fact referred to the course, whatever be its length and whether or not he paid his own tuition, the section applies.

other summary
Other Issue(s): Sub-Issue 1: Sub-Issue 2: Sub-Issue 3:
courses of instruction or training referral duration

Decision 11559 Full Text of Decision 11559

Issue: Sub-Issue 1: Sub-Issue 2: Sub-Issue 3:
courses of instruction or training referral definition

If the Commission is issuing conditional referrals they should stop this practice. Ss.26(1) gives the Commission no authority to do so. CUB 11061 makes it quite clear.

other summary
Other Issue(s): Sub-Issue 1: Sub-Issue 2: Sub-Issue 3:
courses of instruction or training referral appeal
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