Decision A-0676.93
Case Number | Claimant | Judge | Language | Decision date |
Decision A-0676.93 | Oram Sandra | Federal | English | 1995-08-30 |
Decision | Appealed | Appellant | Corresponding Case |
Allowed Unanimous | No | Commission | 23386 |
Issue: | Sub-Issue 1: | Sub-Issue 2: | Sub-Issue 3: |
earnings | deferred salary leave plans |
Teacher who takes a one-year leave of absence under a deferred salary leave plan. Based on SS.10(3) of the UIA, claimant found not unemployed during the period. Decision upheld by BOR but reversed by Umpire. The FCA ruled that the Umpire had failed to construe the provision in accordance with customary canons and that the claimant's facts fell within SS.10(3). The Commission's appeal is allowed.