Decision A-0184.98
Case Number | Claimant | Judge | Language | Decision date |
Decision A-0184.98 | Paquin Éric | Federal | French | 1999-02-26 |
Decision | Appealed | Appellant | Corresponding Case |
Dismissed Unanimous | No | Claimant | 40391 |
Issue: | Sub-Issue 1: | Sub-Issue 2: | Sub-Issue 3: |
penalties | amount of penalty | mitigating circumstances |
Case identical to Jean-Guy Turcotte (A-0186.98). See summary indexed.
Issue: | Sub-Issue 1: | Sub-Issue 2: | Sub-Issue 3: |
penalties | penalties | amount of penalty |
Case identical to Jean-Guy Turcotte (A-0186.98). See summary indexed.