Decision A-0076.02

Case Number Claimant Judge Language Decision date
Decision A-0076.02 Laughland Mark  Federal  English 2003-03-11
Decision Appealed Appellant Corresponding Case
Allowed Unanimous  No Commission 

Issue: Sub-Issue 1: Sub-Issue 2: Sub-Issue 3:
voluntarily leaving employment  just cause  other employment 


The Court found that an offer of employment conditional upon completion of a training course did not meet the criteria of reasonable assurance of another employment in the immediate future.

Issue: Sub-Issue 1: Sub-Issue 2: Sub-Issue 3:
voluntarily leaving employment  applicability  employment 


The claimant left his employment because he had an opportunity to get a better job, but after attending a training institute. The Court found that the BOR misused the applicable test in concluding that the claimant had acted as a prudent person would and under undue pressure by the employer. The Court stated that when faced with a determination on just cause, the BOR must determine if the claimant had "no alternative to leaving, having regard to all the circumstances"

Issue: Sub-Issue 1: Sub-Issue 2: Sub-Issue 3:
voluntarily leaving employment  personal reasons  courses of study 


The court stated that leaving voluntarily an employment to take a training course is not just cause within the meaning of the EI Act.

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