Decision A-0070.02
Case Number | Claimant | Judge | Language | Decision date |
Decision A-0070.02 | Buchanan Gary | Federal | English | 2003-01-30 |
Decision | Appealed | Appellant | Corresponding Case |
Judicial Review Dismissed | No | Commission | 53077 |
Issue: | Sub-Issue 1: | Sub-Issue 2: | Sub-Issue 3: |
interruption of earnings | compensatory leave |
The claimant was working on a four days on - four days off schedule and was disentitled from benefits as he was deemed by the Commission to have worked a full working week under section 11(4) of the EI Act. The Court concluded that s. 11(4) was not applicable because there was no evidence to support that extra hours were worked and that time-off was granted to compensate for it.