Decision 76507

Case Number Claimant Judge Language Decision date
Decision 76507   Landry L.P.  English 2013-04-26
Decision Appealed Appellant Corresponding Case
Dismissed  No Claimant  -

Issue: Sub-Issue 1: Sub-Issue 2: Sub-Issue 3:
basic concepts  benefit periods  duration 


The claimant established a benefit period on December 16, 2007. The claimant did not receive benefits until August 22, 2009 by reason of the allocation of a severance pay. Her benefit period was extended to the maximum period provided under section 10 (14) of the Employment Insurance Act. In the end, at the time where the claimant started receiving benefits 89 weeks of her benefit period had elapsed and she was eligible to receive benefits only for the balance of the 104 weeks. Unfortunately, the Umpire, nor the BOR and nor the Commission has the authority to amend the law. The claimant's appeal is dismissed by the Umpire.

Issue: Sub-Issue 1: Sub-Issue 2: Sub-Issue 3:
basic concepts  benefit periods  extension  applicability 


The claimant established a benefit period on December 16, 2007. The claimant did not receive benefits until August 22, 2009 by reason of the allocation of a severance pay. Her benefit period was extended to the maximum period provided under section 10 (14) of the Employment Insurance Act. In the end, at the time where the claimant started receiving benefits 89 weeks of her benefit period had elapsed and she was eligible to receive benefits only for the balance of the 104 weeks. Unfortunately, the Umpire, nor the BOR and nor the Commission has the authority to amend the law. The claimant's appeal is dismissed by the Umpire.

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