Decision 11920

Case Number Claimant Judge Language Decision date
Decision 11920   Joyal  French 1986-04-10
Decision Appealed Appellant Corresponding Case
Dismissed  No N/A  -

Issue: Sub-Issue 1: Sub-Issue 2: Sub-Issue 3:
labour dispute  rationale 


S. 44 does not admit of any flexibility. Primary requirement is to avoid UI system becoming trump card in settling disputes. Legislation so clear and absolute that no tribunal may consider merits of dispute.

Issue: Sub-Issue 1: Sub-Issue 2: Sub-Issue 3:
labour dispute  stoppage of work  business discontinued 


Closing or at least substantial reduction scheduled for 15-1; lock-out on 13-1. Everyone is subject to demands of his or her union. Loss of each person's employment arose out of dispute. Even those who were laid off the next day were still disentitled.

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