Decision 73095
Full Text of Decision 73095
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Sub-Issue 3: |
sickness benefits |
minor attachment claimants |
The claimant requested that his October 14, 2007 benefit claim be renewed so he could receive sickness benefits effective May 25, 2008. The initial claim showed that the claimant accumulated only 590 hours of insurable employment when he needed 600 hours to be eligible to receive benefits. In this case, the benefit period began on October 14, 2007. Only the hours accumulated during the qualifying period (October 15, 2006 to October 13, 2007) can be taken into account. The hours that the claimant worked from December 9 to 15, 2007 were not worked during the qualifying period. The Commission's appeal is allowed by the Umpire.
Decision 31277
Full Text of Decision 31277
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Sub-Issue 2: |
Sub-Issue 3: |
sickness benefits |
minor attachment claimants |
The beneficiary accumulated only 14 weeks of insurable employment. In the light of s. 17(1) and the definition of "second-class beneficiary" in s. 5(1), at least 20 weeks of insurable employment were required.
Decision 22874A
Full Text of Decision 22874A
Issue: |
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Sub-Issue 3: |
sickness benefits |
minor attachment claimants |
Minor attachment claimant working on call while collecting UI benefits. Ceased work because he was injured in a non-work related accident. Held that ss.17(1) disentitles him from receiving benefits.
other summary
Other Issue(s): |
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Sub-Issue 2: |
Sub-Issue 3: |
reconsideration of claim |
errors by Commission |
not a ground of entitlement |
Decision 11502
Full Text of Decision 11502
Issue: |
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Sub-Issue 2: |
Sub-Issue 3: |
sickness benefits |
minor attachment claimants |
15 weeks instead of 20; disentitled because of 17(1).