Issue: |
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Sub-Issue 3: |
voluntarily leaving employment |
personal reasons |
The government imposed a policy change respecting members of the Canadian Armed Forces affecting the claimant. He began working full-time as a reservist after having retired from the military with 20 years of service and collecting his superannuation pension. The policy change meant that Canadian Armed Forces members collecting their pension should not be permitted to work full-time for the Canadian Armed Forces without having to recontribute to the superannuation plan. Rather than recontribute, the claimant chose to quit his full-time position, return to school and work part-time as a reservist. The Commission imposed a disqualification.The SST-General Division overturned this decision and determined that the claimant had just cause for leaving .This determination was upheld by the SST-Appeal Division. The SST-Appeal Division concluded that the decision was primarily a factual one and that the SST-General Division's determination was reasonable.The application for Judicial Review was dismissed.