Decision A0083.12
Case Number | Claimant | Judge | Language | Decision date |
Decision A0083.12 | Bendahan | Noël | English | 2012-09-17 |
Decision | Appealed | Appellant | Corresponding Case |
Allowed Unanimous | No | Commission | - |
Issue: | Sub-Issue 1: | Sub-Issue 2: | Sub-Issue 3: |
availability for work | out of Canada |
The claimant attended tradeshows in New Jersey and Florida while receiving regular EI benefits. The Commission determined that the claimant could not be paid EI regular benefits for the two periods when he was outside Canada. The FCA concluded that the New Jersey and the Florida are not states contiguous to Canada and that the claimant did not meet the requirements of subsection 55(6) (a) of the EIR.