Decision 69769
Full Text of Decision 69769
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Sub-Issue 3: |
basic concepts |
ordinarily resident defined |
moving |
The claimant was ordinary resident in Alberta when she made her initial claim. She could not benefit from longer duration when she moved back to Nova Scotia a month later.
Decision 66347
Full Text of Decision 66347
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Sub-Issue 3: |
basic concepts |
ordinarily resident defined |
moving |
Following a spousal separation, the claimant left the Magdelen Islands for Lévis where he accepted employment with his son. At the time of a lay-off in September 2004 and his claim for benefit, he resided at Lévis. He remained there until the month of Feburary 2005 when he returned to Fatima, Magdelen Islands, as it had been his intention for several months to be reunited with his spouse. The difference in the maximum number of weeks of benefits between the two locations was 27 weeks.
Decision 54192
Full Text of Decision 54192
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Sub-Issue 3: |
basic concepts |
ordinarily resident defined |
moving |
Claimant left NFLD to go to Alberta with her husband who was looking for work. She had only been in Alberta for a few days when she made her claim for benefits. Held by Umpire that there was no intention of staying at that time, only to seek employment. If her husband had not found work approximately a month later, they could have decided to return to NFLD. At the stage when she filed, she had not established a residence in Alberta. Ordinarily resident is a term which would apply to somebody who has established a residence.
Decision 30261
Full Text of Decision 30261
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Sub-Issue 3: |
basic concepts |
ordinarily resident defined |
moving |
The Act and Regulations require that the ordinary place of residence be determined in light of par. 9(1)(a) and (b), at the later of the dates to be considered, i.e. the week in which the interruption of earnings occurs or the week in which the claim forbenefit is made.
Decision 29737
Full Text of Decision 29737
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Sub-Issue 3: |
basic concepts |
ordinarily resident defined |
moving |
Claimant lived in Montreal from 1964-89. Worked in Ottawa until 5-91. Filed for benefits on 10-7-91. Returned to Mtl in 9-91. Held that return to Mtl not relevant. Economic region is the one in which claimant was ordinarily resident during the week in which the benefit period commences.
Decision 21968
Full Text of Decision 21968
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Sub-Issue 3: |
basic concepts |
ordinarily resident defined |
moving |
At the time he applied for benefits, claimant had been in Ontario for 16 months and he still hoped to find other employment in Ontario. It was only subsequently, when unable to find work, that he returned to Newfoundland (6 weeks later). Test to be applied to week of claim.
other summary
Other Issue(s): |
Sub-Issue 1: |
Sub-Issue 2: |
Sub-Issue 3: |
basic concepts |
ordinarily resident defined |
vs. work area |
basic concepts |
ordinarily resident defined |
applicability |
board of referees |
errors in law |
misinterpretation of provision |
Decision 21906
Full Text of Decision 21906
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Sub-Issue 3: |
basic concepts |
ordinarily resident defined |
moving |
Requesting a transfer of his claim to London where he hoped to find work is not sufficient to justify a conclusion that he, after that date, was ordinarily resident in London. Many reasons may prompt a person to transfer a claim short of changing one's place of ordinary residence.
Decision 17465
Full Text of Decision 17465
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Sub-Issue 3: |
basic concepts |
ordinarily resident defined |
moving |
Claimant left Edmonton in 10-87 to travel east in search of work and kept moving from place to place. No intention to settle permanently elsewhere. He filed a claim in Ottawa in 4-88 as a resident of Alberta where he subsequently returned. Ordinarily resident in Edmonton.
Decision 14933
Full Text of Decision 14933
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Sub-Issue 3: |
basic concepts |
ordinarily resident defined |
moving |
Employed 10 weeks at Moisie, she left to accompany her husband who was transfered to St-Jean. Last day of work at Moisie was 11-7; application made at St-Jean on 14-7. Place of residence: St-Jean.
Decision 14548
Full Text of Decision 14548
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Sub-Issue 2: |
Sub-Issue 3: |
basic concepts |
ordinarily resident defined |
moving |
Applied for benefits in Sarnia on 23-1-87 and did not qualify. Applied in Sudbury on 4-3-87 but no formal change of address had taken place. Factual case.