Decision A-0231.95

Case Number Claimant Judge Language Decision date
Decision A-0231.95 Dunn Jennifer  Federal  English 1996-01-10
Decision Appealed Appellant Corresponding Case
Allowed Unanimous  No N/A  27115 

Issue: Sub-Issue 1: Sub-Issue 2: Sub-Issue 3:
earnings  awards  nature of monies 


Based on evidence, BOR determined that a sum of $2,000 be allocated for mental distress. Umpire found that it was reasonably open to the BOR to make this finding. FCA found no reviewable error: matter of fact for BOR to determine on the evidence as to the various components of the settlement.**NOTE: The FCA endorsed the four principles set out in J. Renaud (CUB 17849). Elements other than loss of income can be included in a settlement. However, the claimant must bring forward evidence that there were various components to the settlement before the BOR can proceed to apportion any monies.

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