Decision 76259

Case Number Claimant Judge Language Decision date
Decision 76259   Hurtubise, René  English 2010-12-10
Decision Appealed Appellant Corresponding Case
Allowed  No Commission  -

Issue: Sub-Issue 1: Sub-Issue 2: Sub-Issue 3:
basic concepts  benefit periods  Pilot project 


The claimant's last day work was September 3, 2008 and filed her initial claim for benefits on October 27, 2008. The claimant requested to have her claim antedated to September 7, 2008 and the Commission has accepted. .The claimant didn’t meet the criteria of the Extended Benefits for Long Tenured worker measure (Bill C-50), because her claim was established prior to January 4, 2009. Unfortunately, the claimant's severance package ended only in February 2009 nothing changes the fact that her claim began on September 7, 2008. A definition of a long-tenured worker is someone who meets the 3 identified criteria, one of them being, the claim must start on or after January 4, 2009, but no later than "September 11, 2010. The appeal by the Commission is allowed by the Umpire.

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