Decision A0427.14

Case Number Claimant Judge Language Decision date
Decision A0427.14 Paradis  De Montigny  French 2015-11-04
Decision Appealed Appellant Corresponding Case
Allowed Unanimous - Returned to the ump  No Commission  -

Issue: Sub-Issue 1: Sub-Issue 2: Sub-Issue 3:
week of unemployment  Period of Leave  Alternating work/leave  


(Similar cases: A0428.14, A0426.14, A0430.14, A0431.14 et A0438.14) The question is whether long-distance truck drivers whose contract of employment provides that they work a week on two, at the rate of 55-60 hours per week, are unemployed and are entitled to receive EI benefits during the week where they rest without compensation. There are many legislative and regulatory provisions governing hours of work for various objects (minimum standards, rates of pay, mandatory leaves, etc.) and, for this reason, provides for different regime based on nature of jobs. The case is returned before SST Appeal Division so it may decide the matter in accordance with the FCA's reasons. Reference: section 11 (4) EIA.

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