Decision 75760

Case Number Claimant Judge Language Decision date
Decision 75760   Maximilien Polak  English 2010-10-28
Decision Appealed Appellant Corresponding Case
Dismissed  No Claimant  -

Issue: Sub-Issue 1: Sub-Issue 2: Sub-Issue 3:
week of unemployment  independent workers 


The Commission's decided not to pay him E.I. benefits because the claimant was self-employed and could not be considered unemployed. The claimant stated that he was spending all his time on his business, rather than looking for other work. He was the sole owner and had no one to help him. He spent more than 12 hours a day on his business. The claimant’s appeal is dismissed by the Umpire.

Issue: Sub-Issue 1: Sub-Issue 2: Sub-Issue 3:
availability for work  Not available and not otherwise available 


The Commission's decided not to pay him E.I. benefits because the claimant was self-employed and could not be considered unemployed. The claimant stated that he was spending all his time on his business, rather than looking for other work. He was the sole owner and had no one to help him. He spent more than 12 hours a day on his business. The claimant’s appeal is dismissed by the Umpire.

Issue: Sub-Issue 1: Sub-Issue 2: Sub-Issue 3:
availability for work  various activities  setting up a business 


The Commission's decided not to pay him E.I. benefits because the claimant was self-employed and could not be considered unemployed. The claimant stated that he was spending all his time on his business, rather than looking for other work. He was the sole owner and had no one to help him. He spent more than 12 hours a day on his business. The claimant’s appeal is dismissed by the Umpire.

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